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Teaching Artist
Poet Laureate
Return of the Matriarch is a musical group featuring San Antonio's Poet Laureate, Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson and Teaching Artist, Aminah Decé. Together ROTM has featured their message of youth and women empowerment at South by Southwest, Luminaria, The McNay Art Museum, San Antonio Art Museum, The Carver Community Cultural Center, and various schools and universities in the Central Texas region.
Both members collaborate with local literary arts organizations to offer dynamic literary and visual arts education to the community. ROTM is looking forward to expanding their curriculum as they prepare for the release of their long-awaited album, Queendom Come.
To learn more about Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson, please visit Andreavocabsanderson.com
To learn more about Aminah Decé, please visit Aminahdece.com